Using Woonveilig / Egardia alarm with OpenHab using Node-Red

The above screenshots shows the flow in Node-red. The flow has following steps:

TIP: the flow is available for import at the end of this article.

1. Start flow every 20 seconds

2.  Do a webrequest to the woonveilig hub to get the current status

http://[YOUR WOONVEILIG IP/action/panelCondGet

3. Convert the responds to JSON

4. Check if the status of the alarm has changed if not exit the flow

The returned currentAlarmStatus variable has three values:

  • 0: the alarm is turned disabled
  • 1: the alarm is partial armed
  • 2: the alarm is armed

See code below

var currentAlarmStatus = context.get('currentAlarmStatus')||99;
var newAlarmStatus = msg.payload.forms.pcondform1.mode;
if(newAlarmStatus == currentAlarmStatus){
//node.warn("Same status of the alarm, Exit");
return null;

if (newAlarmStatus == "0") { //Off
return msg;
} else if (newAlarmStatus === "1") { //Partial Armed
return msg;
} else { //Armed
return msg;

5. Get the status of the Alarm in from OpenHab

6. Run function to compare currentAlarmStatus

Compare Woonveilig alarm status with the status of the alarm in OpenHab. If changed update global variable and continue, if no change exit flow.

var currentAlarmStatus = global.get('currentAlarmStatus');
node.warn("current alarm : " + currentAlarmStatus);

var ohAlarmStatus = msg.payload.state;
node.warn("OH alarm status : " + ohAlarmStatus);

if(ohAlarmStatus == currentAlarmStatus){
node.warn("Status in OH is same as alarm status, Exit");
return null;

msg.payload = currentAlarmStatus;

return msg;


7. Update alarm item in Openhab

Import following flow directly into Node-red

Copy and import the flow below into Node-Red, make sure you update your OpenHab instance and Woonveilig details.

[{"id":"96c97991.eeefe8","type":"inject","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"Start Timer ","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"20","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":"","x":151,"y":152.99999904632568,"wires":[["ce82f7fb.ce0b08"]]},{"id":"ce82f7fb.ce0b08","type":"http request","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"Get Alarm Status","method":"GET","ret":"txt","url":"","tls":"","x":171,"y":212.99999904632568,"wires":[["4cc27829.c6f228"]]},{"id":"4cc27829.c6f228","type":"json","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"","property":"payload","action":"","pretty":false,"x":351,"y":212.99999904632568,"wires":[["b0eaca39.9416c8"]]},{"id":"e08a64c5.b4c9d8","type":"function","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"Alarm status","func":"var currentAlarmStatus = global.get('currentAlarmStatus');\nnode.warn(\"current alarm : \" + currentAlarmStatus);\n\nvar ohAlarmStatus = msg.payload.state;\nnode.warn(\"OH alarm status : \" + ohAlarmStatus);\n\nif(ohAlarmStatus == currentAlarmStatus){\n node.warn(\"Status in OH is same as alarm status, Exit\");\n return null;\n}\n\nmsg.payload = currentAlarmStatus;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":363.0000305175781,"y":332.0000047683716,"wires":[["e26d4b11.ee8228"]]},{"id":"b0eaca39.9416c8","type":"function","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"Alarm status","func":"var currentAlarmStatus = context.get('currentAlarmStatus')||99;\nvar newAlarmStatus = msg.payload.forms.pcondform1.mode;\n//node.warn(currentAlarmStatus);\nif(newAlarmStatus == currentAlarmStatus){\n //node.warn(\"Same status of the alarm, Exit\");\n return null;\n}\n\ncontext.set('currentAlarmStatus',newAlarmStatus);\nif (newAlarmStatus == \"0\") { //Uit\n global.set('currentAlarmStatus',newAlarmStatus);\n // node.warn(\"new alarm 0\");\n return msg;\n} else if (newAlarmStatus === \"1\") { //Thuis\n global.set('currentAlarmStatus',newAlarmStatus);\n //node.warn(\"new alarm 1\");\n return msg;\n} else { //Aan\n //node.warn(\"new alarm overig\");\n global.set('currentAlarmStatus',newAlarmStatus);\n return msg;\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":511,"y":212.99999904632568,"wires":[["f00db576.387518"]]},{"id":"e0560d60.8cc0f","type":"comment","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"Check if Alarm status changed","info":"Check if alarm status changed, if not exit\n\n0: uit\n1: Thuis\n2: aan","x":561,"y":172.99999904632568,"wires":[]},{"id":"54de2a09.70ac34","type":"comment","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"Check in OpenHab if alarm status need to be updated","info":"","x":493.0000915527344,"y":294.0000047683716,"wires":[]},{"id":"f00db576.387518","type":"openhab2-get","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"","controller":"e263d712.1e7b38","itemname":"HO_Alarm_Status","x":170.1666717529297,"y":281.0000238418579,"wires":[["e08a64c5.b4c9d8"]]},{"id":"e26d4b11.ee8228","type":"openhab2-out","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"","controller":"e263d712.1e7b38","itemname":"HO_Alarm_Status","topic":"ItemCommand","payload":"","x":551.1666870117188,"y":332.0000047683716,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"d08ad29f.6f20f","type":"comment","z":"fb8e5ae4.e53ae8","name":"........................Set alarm status from Woonveilig to Openhap........................","info":"Check if alarm status changed, if not exit\n\n0: uit\n1: Thuis\n2: aan","x":310,"y":112.00000286102295,"wires":[]},{"id":"e263d712.1e7b38","type":"openhab2-controller","z":"","name":"Openhab","protocol":"http","host":"localhost","port":"8080","path":"","username":"","password":""}]

3 Replies to “Using Woonveilig / Egardia alarm with OpenHab using Node-Red”

  1. Hello Pieter,
    Interesting article.
    I have a WV GATE-03 with only basic account, that means only an alarm in the WV app and no text / email.
    Can I use the WV link and the Openhab-app to control WV and receive more alarms, for example email?
    NB: I added mailto: in http://[MY-WV- IP/System Setting/report/ , but that does not send mail in case of an alarm;
    Thanks, regards


    1. Hi Lucas,

      That is correct. I’m using the WV Gate-03 without subscription and I can run the status from my home automation.

      If you want to do (e-mail) notifications only, then I would advise you to stick to Node-Red. OpenHab only brings added value if you want to use the alarm status to trigger home automation scenes (like this article example).

      I have not tried to catch alarm status from WV, but the API of the gateway has all the info. So I guess there would be no issue.

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