Next.js Conf presentation online

Last week I presented at one of the largest developer conferences in the world; Next.js Conf. The video is now available on Youtube.

Stand up a commerce storefront in 5 minutes

In this session, we’re going to build a storefront using Next.js Commerce powered by Sitecore OrderCloud, an API-first headless commerce platform.

Join this end-to-end demo highlighting the amazing developer experience and ease of use of the Next.js Commerce starterkit, in combination with Sitecore OrderCloud and Vercel.

From the setup of your dev environment, all the way to deploying and updating the environment hosted on Vercel.

SUGCON keynote recording available

The recordings of the SUGCON event are now available including the keynote that Jason and I delivered on Friday morning.

Session outline

Composable DXP is all the rage, but what if you already have a platform installation with years of investment into getting it just how you like? How do you gradually move your architecture over to something that is MACH and headless? Do you need a full rebuild? Do you need Next.js or not? Where does content go now? What are the benefits and downsides?

Pieter Brinkman (@pieterbrink123) and Jason St-Cyr (@StCyrThoughts) take an overview of a few XM and XP scenarios and how you can gradually migrate to a composable architecture, along with some of the advantages and disadvantages of different options.

Architecture guide to migrate from On-prem/PaaS to SaaS

Composable DXP is all the rage. Why is the industry moving towards SaaS and Composable architecture? What are the benefits of composable for customers? And is composable for everyone. These are all questions that are addressed in the Architecture guide to SaaS video.

Next to that we’re also addressing that the actual migration. What if you already have a platform installation with years of investment into getting it just how you like? How do you gradually move your architecture over to something that is MACH and headless? Do you need a full rebuild?

If you want to learn more and need an introduction into Composable DXP you can read the Introduction to Composable DXP article.

Guest speaker Sitecore Strategy Lunch

I’ve been invited to participate in Sitecore Strategy lunch of December. The strategy lunch is a informal table discussion. I will be talking about Sitecore’s strategy and roadmap, see more details below. You can register here.

“Sitecore has made a major pivot towards becoming a Composable DXP company over the past few months. Do you have questions about their roadmap and what it means for your investment in the Sitecore platform? Here’s your chance to get some answers!

December 2nd at 12:00 EST, Sitecore Strategy MVP, Jaina Baumgartner host the Sitecore Strategy Lunch with special guest Pieter Brinkman, Sitecore’s Senior Director of Technical Marketing in a Sitecore Product Roadmap AMA (ask me anything) session and discussion.

Bring you, colleagues, bring your decision-makers and get the straight goods right from the source! See you soon!”

Konaverse podcast

I had the pleasure and honor to participate in the Konaverse Podcast series.


The Konaverse Podcast series is not all about work, technology and industry it a show about technology, work, careers and life. You get to know more about the people and what drives them.

We talked about everything from growing up in The Netherlands, family life, my career at Sitecore, windsurfing and home automation.

Listen the full podcast directly on Spotify, Google Podcast or Apple Podcast, or on the Konaverse site.

I really enjoyed participating, it was a very pleasant experience. The questions around growing-up make you think back about how good live you had so far and make you appreciate what you got. It’s good to reflect and appreciate, this is something you forget sometimes with the busy life we all have.

Thanks to Akshay, Matthew and the Konabos team.

Pieter Brinkman on The Netherlands, Sitecore, Windsurfing, and Home Automation |Konaverse Podcast | Konaverse Podcast | Technology, Work, Career, And Life Related Podcasts (

Sitecore Composable DXP – Digital Bytes

This week I had the pleasure to talk with Himadri from Nishtech about Sitecore’s SaaS journey and how we are moving to the Composable DXP.

Nishtech Digital Bytes – Sitecore Composable DXP

Nish Tech digital bytes outline

When you think of a traditional digital experience platform, you probably think of a monolithic, tightly coupled full-stack suite from a single vendor that allows you to manage the entire digital experience, from content management to digital marketing and analytics. But maybe you don’t need all that. The concept of a composable DXP allows you to create a custom solution using technology that fits your needs and works with your existing processes and infrastructure.

In this episode we’re excited to welcome Sitecore Senior Director of Technical Marketing Pieter Brinkman to discuss his thoughts on the composable DXP and how it fits into Sitecore’s roadmap.

Thanks again to Nishtech and Himadri for the lovely conversation.

Keynote Virtual SUGCON on Sitecore & SaaS

I had the honor of opening SUGCON together with Rob. We presented on our the future Strategy of Sitecore and our SaaS offering.

Also did an introduction to the Composable DXP and talked about he benefit. We ended up with a demo of the Sitecore products.

Please note that this presentation was 02:00 at night 🙂

Want to learn more about the Composable DXP, the benefits and the difference between platform and composable DXP? I also wrote an that does a full introduction of the Composable DXP.