How to ensure CIO and CMO alignment when making technology investment decisions [Publication]

This week my article on CIO and CMO alignment for technology investments got featured on Information Age. In this article, I focus on how Technology investment decisions have become increasingly business-critical over time, with the wrong platform decision capable of negatively impacting the company’s ROI, in addition to unleashing major headaches for IT and marketing teams. Today, there are more channels than ever before, introducing new business challenges that can be solved with new technology innovations.

The CMO needs to be aware of the technical debt, integration points and architectures, while the CIO should be mindful of the business value and the need for fast time-to-market for implementations. However, this means that they both must have a better technical understanding of areas outside the scope of their work. So how do these executives find confluence across their potentially opposing goals and perspectives?

Read the full article on Information Age: