Konaverse podcast

I had the pleasure and honor to participate in the Konaverse Podcast series.


The Konaverse Podcast series is not all about work, technology and industry it a show about technology, work, careers and life. You get to know more about the people and what drives them.

We talked about everything from growing up in The Netherlands, family life, my career at Sitecore, windsurfing and home automation.

Listen the full podcast directly on Spotify, Google Podcast or Apple Podcast, or on the Konaverse site.

I really enjoyed participating, it was a very pleasant experience. The questions around growing-up make you think back about how good live you had so far and make you appreciate what you got. It’s good to reflect and appreciate, this is something you forget sometimes with the busy life we all have.

Thanks to Akshay, Matthew and the Konabos team.

Pieter Brinkman on The Netherlands, Sitecore, Windsurfing, and Home Automation |Konaverse Podcast | Konaverse Podcast | Technology, Work, Career, And Life Related Podcasts (konabos.com)

Working 10 years at Sitecore

amazing technical marketing team

With the start of 2021, I just hit the 10-year milestone working at Sitecore.

While normally I would just let this pass and focus on the next big things that we need to deliver, I want to take a moment to reflect on my 10 years at Sitecore and thank a number of people that inspired me along the way.

Reed the original article with comments directly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-years-sitecore-pieter-brinkman/

My journey at Sitecore has been amazing. It started as a pre-sales consultant in The Netherlands, to quickly join co-founder Lars Nielsen to build the MVP program, moving into Product Marketing to grow and strategies Technical Marketing.

Continue reading “Working 10 years at Sitecore”

Sharing is caring

During my professional career I’ve always been an advocate of sharing knowledge. Share what you’ve learned so others can learn from it, this way at the end we all get to a better end-results. However, I noticed that in my private live I have passions that I haven’t shared my learnings about.

Next to my wife, kids, family and friends I like to spend time on windsurfing and home automation. My goal is to start sharing my insights on these topics -family, kids and friends excluded :)- and perhaps help others making their choices or getting started.

Again this is a goal, so let’s reflect on how I did in a year… Life is all about setting the priorities, we’ll see if I can make this work :).