Sitecore Webinar: Pipelines and Processors

This article is based on a Dutch webinar that I presented august 2012 and will refer to the video recording, slides, the How to documentation and used resources.

The video

You can watch the recording on Youtube.


The slides

The slides of the webinar are in English and are posted on Slideshare

How to

The code used in the webinar is from the Sitecore how to series; How to Track External Links with DMS.

In the webinar I explain how the processor is build, this is explained in step 2 of the How to: Track all External links with a custom Renderfield processor. But the How To also covers the creation of the Link.aspx page and building the report outgoing link report.


I selected the following resources where you can find more information about pipelines:

Please add a comment if you have more useful links about Sitecore Pipelines (I will update the post).


If you have any questions about the webinar, code or the how to please leave a comment.

Tool: Show website tracking and cookie information

With Ghostery you can check cookie and tracking information of a website. This tool can help you to identify cookies and tracking technologies that your website is using. This information can be helpful to determine the strategy for your website to be compliant with the new EU cookie law.

Ghostery is a Google Chrome plugin, after the installation you can configure the default settings for Ghostery.

Now if I open the CNN website in Chrome, I´ll get the following information.


This information windows shows that CNN site is using 7 tracking codes and/or cookies. So this is interesting… But there is more you can do, you can also get information about all the different tracking codes, let’s say that I want to know more about NetRatings SiteCensus. To do this I can click the Ghost (with the 7) next to the address bar and click on the more info link next to NetRating SiteCensus.


A new tab window will open the website of Ghostery with detailed information about the tracking script. Now I can tell you what NetRating Sitecensus does:

“SiteCensus is a browser-based audience measurement tool that provides in-depth tracking and analysis of your Web site users, site performance and other critical measurement data. Examine your site performance, usage trends, content and product placement, visitor loyalty, search engine performance and visitor behavior.”

This tool can do much more than this, so go download Ghostery and check-out which tracking technology your site is using.

Step 2-1: Track all external links with a custom processor

This article is part of Sitecore How To: Track Exteral links with DMS series. Before starting with this step you need to be finished with Step 1: Save outgoing click to the DMS analytics database.

For this solution I want to measure all the outgoing link using the Analytics Database of Sitecore Digital Marketing System (DMS). Based on this data I want to create a report in the Sitecore Engagement Analytics that will show all outgoing clicks by page. I want to create a solution that rewrites all external links within rich-text fields and General Link fields. With this solution all external links on an existing website will be automatically rewritten and measured.

In this article I will create a solution for measuring outgoing links in the following steps:

  • Create a processor to rewrite all external links on the website.

Let get started!

Create the processor for rewriting external links

For the rewriting of the external links we are creating a Render Field Processor. This processor will fire for every field that is rendered. During this process we will rewrite the URL.

The easiest way to create a new processor is with the Visual Studio 2010  plugin Sitecore Rocks. One of the many things Sitecore Rocks does is creating Visual Studio Templates. These templates will help you extending Sitecore. Open your solution in VS2010 and add a new item. In the dialog window go to Sitecore –> Pipelines en selecteer Render Field Processor. Name the processor ExternalUrlReWriterProcessor.cs and click Add.

Sitecore custom processor

The Render Field Processor Template will generate two files for you; the ExternalUrlReWriterProcessor.cs and a  ExternalUrlReWriterProcessor.config.


Custom sitecore config processor

Modify the ExternalUrlReWriterProcessor class that all external URLs are rewritten to out /link.aspx page that we are going to create next. Below is my POC code. Please take notice of the comments and the TODO comments.

[code language=”csharp”]
public class ExternalUrlReWriterProcessor
public void Process([NotNull] RenderFieldArgs args)
// Do not modify output if the field is not a rich text field or general link
// or if the page is in page editor mode
if ((args.FieldTypeKey != “rich text” && args.FieldTypeKey != “general link”) ||
String.IsNullOrEmpty(args.FieldValue) ||

//Check if URL is external link
if (args.FieldTypeKey == “general link”)
Sitecore.Data.Fields.LinkField linkField = args.GetField();
//Don’t change the link if it’s not a external link
if (linkField.LinkType != “external”)

string fieldValue = args.Result.FirstPart;

string changedUrl = Regex.Replace(fieldValue, @”href=””(.*?)”””, delegate(Match match)
//Regex definition to check if URL contains HTTP or HTTPS (so it’s an external link)
Regex rgxExternal = new Regex(@”Regex rgxExternal = new Regex(@”(((http(s?))\://){1}\S+)”);”);

string orriginalUrl = match.Groups[1].Value.ToString();
if (rgxExternal.IsMatch(orriginalUrl))
//Rewrite the url to the redirect item
//TODO: Make the path configurable
return @”href=””/link.aspx?url=” + orriginalUrl + @””””;


return match.Value;
}, RegexOptions.Compiled);

args.Result.FirstPart = changedUrl;



If you check your website all external links will be rewritten to /link.aspx?url=[EXTERNAL LINK]. Now let’s create the links.aspx and save the outgoing link information to the DMS Analytics database.

Test if it works

You can test if the solution is working on your website by testing the following functionalities

Action Expected result
Create a internal link in a rich-text field The link is not rewritten.
Create a external link in a rich-text field The link is rewritten to /link.aspx?url=[THE LINK]
Create a internal link in a general link field The link is not rewritten.
Create a external link in a general link field The link is rewritten to /link.aspx?url=[THE LINK]
Click a external URL The visitor is redirected to the external website.